
Hey Marc, thanks for the kind words and the appreciation! This sounds like a real shitty situation you're in, I can hardly imagine how you're feeling and doing. For me writing about difficult situations helps me (not always!), to get things of my chest - it's no replacement for therapy, but a supplement. Helps to get your thoughts sorted out. Substack can be great for that, because you'll already have an audience here, because you commented here and there and people are maybe interested in getting to know you better. You're already in the Substack-ecosystem. If you have a wordpress-page you'll always need an extra place to promote your texts. All on the condition that you want to advertise your texts and would like to exchange ideas with others.

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Hi Jens, really enjoyed your written post and your video and your concept to share your thoughts. I am also thinking about writing about running and other sports and giving updates about my mental and physical health regularly. Actually I am struggling with Long Covid and CFS since October 2023. I already created a word press page, but more and more also by reading your newsletter now format I think about if Substack is a better platform for my content. Please let me know your thoughts

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May 21Liked by Jens Peters

Really enjoyed the video! I know I’m biased, but I think it’s such a great supplement to the writing, and it allows us to get to know you in a different way. Looking forward to more—and thank you so much for the shoutout at the end! I really appreciate it.

Meanwhile, I’m going to try to start running soon! Perhaps I’ll keep a running journal. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙏🏻

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Thanks Jacob for the comment, but also for your inspiration! And loving to hear about your running journey! We'll stay in touch!!

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Hi Jens,

very nice and intriguing idea regarding the running journals. Very interested to see what other people do:)



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